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first pneumatic

Posted: Sat May 16, 2009 7:20 am
by freder
Hey guys,

this is my first pneumatic ever :lol:
I first tried to built it with a piston but that kinda didn't seel :(
so used a simple ballvalve

I don't have a compressor so I use my bikepump to pressure it.
I usually shot at 160 psi (good exercise with the pump :D )
I can switch the barrels. got a 7.5mm and a 14mm one.
Home made bibod as you can see :wink:
& an old stock from my crappy spudgun :lol:

I know I have to get a scope for it. I'm working on that :lol:
I'm going to paint the barrels & the bipods black and
maybe finish the guilly thing around it.

I can hit a torso big target at ~60 yard with a few crappy softair-BBs
Not that bad but I'm thinking of buying some heave metal ones.
& building some nice darts for the bigger barrel :twisted:

Enough talking here are some pics:
(Sry about the crappy quali made them with my webcam)

Posted: Sat May 16, 2009 10:11 am
by inonickname
It's alright. Springloading the BV will give you a noticeable performance boost.

Very good for a first, would be good to ditch the tape though. Grab some better pictures and we should be able to say more.

Good job

Posted: Sat May 16, 2009 10:36 am
by thedeathofall
its not bad but as you already know the ball valve is definitely not the best you can do. perhaps a modified sprinkler valve is due? anyway, its not bad for a first. at least it works :wink:

get some damage pics with a better camera while your at it

Posted: Sat May 16, 2009 11:00 am
by paaiyan
What exactly is that wrapped around the stock?

Posted: Sat May 16, 2009 2:34 pm
by freder
thanks. It's hard/expencive to get a sprinklervalve here so I think I´m going to try to seal the piston valve thing and give that an other try.

@paaiyan: :lol: its an old jeans that I had laying around, spraypainted camo and teard appart :D works pretty good