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world's smallest?

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2006 6:03 pm
by cardinals08
as soon as I get some electrical tape and source of ignition, I am going to make a combustion out of a renu eye drop bottle(0.27 ounces, I think about 1 inch by 1 inch) and the inside tube of a mechanical pencil(0.125(1/8) of an inch(although it is a little less than a half mm bigger on the other side) by 4 inches) Do you think this is the smallest cannin in the world? anyone know of a smaller one?
I will try to get some pics next to some comparisons(coins and other common things) in the next month
my calculations must be way off, I got like a 20:1 C:B ratio

Edit: *cannon, not cannin*

Edit: I got it to fire once, it I never saw the ammo, then it quit sparking, so I got some screws, they were way to big, and didnt work either, so now i have a few big holes in it, I am going to try to put a few layers of electrical tape very tightly around the whole thing, then look for some smaller electrodes (I think thats what you call them) for the spark, and see if they work, if it leaks to much, I am going to switch to a chapstick tube wich is about 2.5 inches by 0.5 inch.

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2006 6:10 pm
by darkpyro
cool sounds really funny but it will be extremely hard to get the right air fuel mix ahhhhhh :shock:

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2006 6:14 pm
by cardinals08
yah, Ill have to do the tinyest spray of bianca or axe and let it air out for like a half hour :)
but I seem to be pretty lucky with getting fuel/air mixtures right, I put on a little cone thing on my axe can to restrict the amount of axe going in for the minis which helps

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2006 6:51 pm
by cardinals08
OK, just made it with tape and ignitor from another mini that was wore out (cap didnt fit tight enough). I have gotten it to fire with the lid off a few times, but if I do the same thing, and then put the lid on, it doesnt go. could the axe be condensing on the side in the few seconds it takes to put the lid on even though it isnt cold?