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Wed Jan 25, 2006 8:54 pm

Im 14 and started proper spudding at about 9, but was making these things since 8. We just used to go through the trash and get like 5 beer cans, put a teaspoon of lighter fluid in, orange in the top, or tennis balls, match in bottom and boom. I joined a shooting club/range when I was 9 and have been shooting ever since.
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Wed Jan 25, 2006 9:13 pm

Hi ,I'm 51,what's a guy like me doing with potato c annons anyway. I had never heard of such a thing until about 9 months ago. My nephew Jake ,who lived with me for a few weeks wanted me to build one in my shop .
Well the first one we built was pretty crappy ,but after looking for ideas on t he internet ,they just kept on getting better , then I started coming up with my own ideas,that's how it works,
This hobby is very addictive,especially if you like amusement ,science ,technology,building things etc.
Part of the draw is just the fact that my nephew and I just like to shoot guns at targets,we also shoot 22's and pellet rifles a lot .
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Wed Jan 25, 2006 9:16 pm

yeah I'm thirteen, but my parents don't want me to get a gun so now i just build produce accelerators :lol:
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Wed Jan 25, 2006 9:34 pm

Arent your parents more worried about you playing with spudguns? Or do they not know :twisted: .
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Wed Jan 25, 2006 9:47 pm

ya they're sort of wierd, they actually don't really mind me shooting guns, just they would never let me own one. also there sre no close shooting ranges at my house and i live in an residential neighborhood
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Thu Jan 26, 2006 1:43 am

I live in the middle of the city, so it has been kinda tough to get a nice cannon up and running. The first combustion I owned was from an old friend of mine. I was about 13 or so (20 now). I had no idea what it would do, and he told me it barely made a sound. So with that little bit of info, I loaded a potato, filled the chamber, and BOOOM! Shot a potato through my neighbors fence. They were cool about it though. That first cannon was DANGEROUS though. Seems my buddy hadn't really researched spudguns too much...he put it together with hot glue. You may or may not know that hot glue and PVC dont adhere too well. Needless to say, the barrell, chamber, reducer, cleanout, end cap etc all ended up being shot from the cannon at various times. Thats when I wised up and decided to be a little more careful.

As a side note: I also own many firearms and enjoy all sorts of shooting activities from target practice to big game hunting. I just got a Ruger M77-Mk II .22-250 for Christmas. Awesome rifle.
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Thu Jan 26, 2006 4:03 am

Same here I live in the middle of a city too. That is why I have started to build minis. Still loud but usable.
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Thu Jan 26, 2006 6:16 am

I'll be 20 in two weeks. Started modding airsoft guns about 6 years ago, then moved on to more serious business (built my first lethal weapon when I was 15). Combustion cannons have been built in Romania for quite a long time (as long as I can remember). They have been using acetylene as fuel and a PVC pipe for both chamber and barrel. Very basic, but it works.
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Thu Jan 26, 2006 12:31 pm

ok ok i tryed and tryed to resize pics to upload them here but whated happening, so i put them on my pwp, this gun is nearly 100 years old nice !!!! here's the link, just click on photo's if you wanna see them-- ... html-.html
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Thu Jan 26, 2006 7:46 pm

dont try to shoot that thing, its probably domascus steel and made for blackpowder, modern shells will blow that thing up, it happened to my great grandfather when he went to shoot it on new years.
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Fri Jan 27, 2006 10:07 am

I'm thirty. I have always liked blowing stuff up. Growing up, while kids my age where playing G.I. Joe and Transformers, I would play with lighters and gasoline. I first lit my parents house on fire at age 6, again at age 10. Later on, I became a saute chef because I liked to flame the pans. I got paid to make fireballs all night long. I worked in an open kitchen for a few years, where the diners could view the cooks and I would always put on a good show if there where any kids eating with their parents. Excessive flames that would reach the vent hood above the stove. It was great to see their faces light up and here them say "Mommy, did you see That!" I have kids now, so I have to take it easy on the pyromania. This is a good hobby for me because I still get to blow stuff up but it is creative, safe and challenging.
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Fri Jan 27, 2006 11:03 am

I'm 15, started really getting into destructive stuff about 3 years ago when I first heard of Totse. I've wisened up a bit since then, and I was looking for cannons when I came across spudtech, and one thing led to another.

I also have an ambition to open my own restaurant, since many people tell me I can cook. :D (random fact, but what the hell :P :lol: )
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Fri Jan 27, 2006 8:53 pm

Yeah totse is a very dangerous site. I used it for a while so much.
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Sat Jan 28, 2006 8:08 am

i have not shot it since 1982 went deer hunting, sorry to the deer lovers, sometimes you have to do what you have to, to put food on the table "no more meetless tuesdays" got a big BIG doe, 195 lbs. aproxx field dressed
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Sat Jan 28, 2006 7:41 pm

Whoa thats a big one. What country are you in. Here you are only allowed to hunt in certain places. What about where yo are.
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