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Posted: Sun Dec 27, 2009 5:54 am
by jackssmirkingrevenge
Thanks for the info, I'll have a look to see what's available locally.

jor2daje, have you tried moving the blowgun position closer to the barrel, you'll probably get better agitation and more regular firing.

It's interesting to note how the firing of one BB tends to lead to a pressure buildup which promotes the firing of another in close succession.

Posted: Sun Dec 27, 2009 6:48 am
by CS
Watching those BB's glance off front of the chamber reminds me of the insistent moths that bounce of my florescent shop light. Can help but think a funnel transition between chamber and barrel would help?

Lurk status: watched all the videos, don't intend stopping either. Great work!

Probably just fuss more then anything, but what about a cable drawn cart for your camera? While the bee video was hand held, a moving camera is an entertaining dimension. Again from a entertainment perspective, slow motion videos are often dulled by a fixed camera.

^Along the same lines, what Timescapes does with his time lapse photography is awesome.

#12 Timescapes Timelapse: Mountain Light

Video #11 is good. #10 shows the track system.

Posted: Sun Dec 27, 2009 8:38 am
by inonickname
On the subject of the cable drawn cart, the ideal tool is probably lego. If you have one of the train sets (and tracks) you could use them to create the carts..otherwise rails can be improvised from blocks (and large flat plates) which a cart can ride inside. Then a reel can be set up with a lego motor and a set of gears. The camera could be secured to the cart with upright supports and elastic bands.

Love the videos :)

Posted: Sun Dec 27, 2009 8:43 am
by CpTn_lAw
ok here is my little contribution for the moment, i'll be adding some more as soon as my january exams are over.

The apple : 3gram plastic slug at 100 psi filmed at 1200fps
The orange 1 : five 6mm lead sinkers at 400 psi filmed at 1200fps
The orange 2 : the only hybrid shot i filmed. (4x , 15gram lead ball)
also filmed at 1200 fps

Posted: Sun Dec 27, 2009 8:43 am
by jackssmirkingrevenge
Another idea might be to have the camera aimed at a motorised mirror, the same kind of technology that makes these shots possible:


Posted: Sun Dec 27, 2009 12:56 pm
by jor2daje
Ok guys ill be making the vortex today, if i can ill make it out of clear plexi or acrylic if not Ill atleast use the clear sides. Also if I have time Ill move the blow gun closer on the cloud like jack suggested.

Any targets youd guys like to see close up? Im building a acrylic box with a solenoid to hit the record button so I can have the camera right up next to the destruction.

Posted: Sun Dec 27, 2009 1:12 pm
by jackssmirkingrevenge
jor2daje wrote:Any targets you guys like to see close up? I'm building a acrylic box with a solenoid to hit the record button so I can have the camera right up next to the destruction.
Some thin clear acrylic (like a CD case) being decimated by a BBMG would be good :)

Posted: Sun Dec 27, 2009 1:19 pm
by ramses
I will compile some clips in the near future. Until then, I will direct you to my youtube page.

again, any requests that can be fulfilled indoors before I send in my camera are welcome.

Posted: Sun Dec 27, 2009 3:46 pm
by psycix
Wow, that cloud video is awesome! :D

Next to using a vortex block, I would love to see the cloud with different airfeed and barrel positions so we can see how the changes alter performance.

For example:
-Barrel where it is now, air feed on the opposite side.
-Air feed perpendicular to barrel (like it is now) but then closer.
-Air feed where it is now, barrel parallel next to it.
-Use the bottle as a vortex cap

I'd also wonder what a cone in front of the barrel would do, as the BB's that use to bounce off next to the barrel may get sucked in in this scenario.

Another request: I'd like to see the pressure level in the chamber (does it drop/rise when there is/isn't a BB in the barrel?)
I'm not sure if a pressure gauge will actuate fast enough but its worth the try. Another way would be using smoke so you can see it when it is denser.

Good luck recording!
Unravel the BBMG mysteries! :)

Posted: Sun Dec 27, 2009 9:28 pm
by Insomniac
pimpmann22 wrote:Probably just fuss more then anything, but what about a cable drawn cart for your camera? While the bee video was hand held, a moving camera is an entertaining dimension. Again from a entertainment perspective, slow motion videos are often dulled by a fixed camera.

^Along the same lines, what Timescapes does with his time lapse photography is awesome.

#12 Timescapes Timelapse: Mountain Light

Video #11 is good. #10 shows the track system.
Damn, that guy does good time lapse...

The problem with a cart-drawn camera for high-speed videos is that usually the thing your capturing only lasts a fraction of a second, so your camera would have to be absolutely flying along the track to do anything noticeable. In fact, this was one of the methods they proposed when filming bullet time in the matrix, to have a rocket-propelled high-speed camera film it. This idea was scrapped though, and they went with multiple cameras only taking one frame each.

I suppose I could still use the cart system for a couple of things, things where what your filming keeps going long enough. I'll consider trying it if I can find somthing suitable to film.


So that's how they filmed that clip...


Not exactly high-speed related, but another difference between the FC100 and the FS10 is their macro capabilities. The FC100 can focus at things only 3cm from the lens, but the FS10 can only do 10cm. Here's a couple of macro images taken with my FC100. The first image is a screenshot out of a HD vid, second one is a photo. In the second one the grid paper below it is 5mm.



Posted: Sun Dec 27, 2009 11:12 pm
by jor2daje
added a couple different air ports to see the difference in flow and feed rate, but I realized feeding might be different because of the different amount of ammo so I redid the first film too.

air from back

air in front

air in original place

Looks like air from front has highest rof. I tried attaching a pressure gauge to one of the unused ports but it didnt move.

sorry no vortex today but I built a acrylic box for my camera so damage videos and a vortex block to come tomorrow.

Posted: Mon Dec 28, 2009 12:01 am
by Insomniac
Very interesting footage there. Good call on the acrylic box, I should really make somthing similar. I've just been sitting mine with the lens behind a pair of safety goggles when filming stuff that throws shrapnel around... doesn't protect anything but the lens though.

I wonder how a large funnel on the inlet of the barrel would affect feeding? Seems it would increase the ROF but promote jamming.

Posted: Mon Dec 28, 2009 12:17 am
by Technician1002
I guess it is time to post this orange we shot through an expanded metal screen. Sorry about the exposure. We had the borrowed camera for only a day and it was set for indoor.

This is the video of an apple merging with a bottle of water. I used a frame of this for my avatar.


Posted: Mon Dec 28, 2009 1:07 am
I wonder how a large funnel on the inlet of the barrel would affect feeding?
I've got a better question... how a detent or an oring would affect feeding...

Posted: Mon Dec 28, 2009 1:07 am
I wonder how a large funnel on the inlet of the barrel would affect feeding?
I've got a better question... how a detent or an oring would affect feeding...
