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Are you old enough to remember?

Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2006 9:18 am
by jrrdw
ok, i'm 38, from what i can tell/guess i'm probly the oldest person posting around here, maby/maby not. so how old are the rest of you? way back when i first got into home made cannons the best one's were made of a tennis ball can either burried in the ground or wraped in duct tape, AND YES DUCT TAPE HAS BEEN AROUND THAT LONG ! then we would squirt lighter fluid/zippo all over the inside of the tube, through in ammo/tennis ball and stand back throw a lite match in it and watch it fly, sometimes we could get 100 feet out of it, yes the balls came out on fire but usely burned out before hitting the ground, but we learned to be carefull about that !!

FUNNY STORY---my 2 older brothers took a nerf basket ball and soaked it in gasoline, hammered a broom stick into the ground, stuck the gas soaked b ball on to the broom stick, lite in on fire and then used a base ball bat to hit it out into the corn field, burned the field down, have the town was mad at them and the other half couldn't stop laughing!!

Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2006 9:32 am
by spudshot
my uncle told me about making those tennis ball cannons, thats how i started researching and finding out about spudguns today.

Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2006 10:42 am
by Temple
Well I'm 40 years old and probably old enough to know I shouldn't be building these things but who cares.

Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2006 3:15 pm
by CS
Im 15. When I was 8 (i think, never can remeber) my brothers had the joy of hitting cars on the freeway with any means possible. They usally would hit golf balls via golf clubs then there freind brang over a potato gun, which completed there "joy of hitting cars" with even more excitement. Well a while down the road I asked my brothers how to make a potato gun, by now they had matured and would not tell me how to make a potato gun. Of course I wanted to know so I researched and the rest is history. I only recently discovered that my brothers went to juvy for hitting cars after a neighbor recorded them and the highway patrol put two and two together that there was several cars being hit in a certain stretch of highway. And dont ever expect to see me off these forums because "spudding" is my hobby and im doing it tell the day I die.

Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2006 4:50 pm
by darkpyro
well im thirteen and i started "spudding" at about 10 or 11 and i love it there are endless things to make and mod and improve on and then theres the joy of click booooommmmmmmmm and the potato shooting in to a large rock and explodeing into mist hehehehe but i wonder where spudding will be in 10 years how much it will advanced...

Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2006 5:13 pm
by beebs111
im 14 and 1/2 adn i started being interested in "spudding" when i was 11, there was an older kid in my boy scout troop who brought one into show and tell, and shot flaming tennis balls out into the baseball field. so then i did some internet serches, spent 2 years convincing my parents to let me build and the rest is history :P

Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2006 5:15 pm
by jrrdw
i must say---I ACCEPT NO RESPONCEABLITY FOR ANYONE ELSE'S ACTIONS, then again everybody useing this forum allready knows that without ecceptions! after seeing some of the post in here, like the dumb people thread, i just shake my head and wonder - how man learned to survive through all the trails and errors, i guess it's because there's more men then machine, if that change's---mankind as we know it may as well be doomed ! it is said "science follows the movies" if thats true, i got 1 word for all of you - "TERMANATER"

Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2006 5:20 pm
by dragon finder
im 14 i have always know about them but my dad didn't wan't me to build one but my mom was fine with it ( now that is ironic :?) but when i got a 22. s&w for my 12 b-day my dad let me bacause he saw how responsiple i was around guns. :D

Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2006 5:38 pm
by jrrdw
hang on to that 22 for your grandchildren, i have my grandfathers springfield 12 gauge, it was given to him brand new when he was 16, he died when he was 88, that was 26 years ago that puts it at 98 years old if my math is correct, it still works but i don't shot it, scared it will fly apart and i wont have it any more, i'll get some pics of it and post them for all to see

Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2006 5:43 pm
by Atlantis
I made my first cannon in the summer of 05'. It was a joint operation between me and my friend. His mom completely knew what was going on. I simply told my mom that we were going to build a "tennis ball launcher." We kept it at my friend's house because, 1: It wasn't my house, and 2: He had a lakeside property to shoot off of. I later told my mom how a spudgun worked but didn't tell here I had one, or of certain incidents that happened with it. I later built one to call my own and will soon be installing the custom ignition on my friend's. I'm 16 almost 17 by the way.

Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2006 5:48 pm
by dragon finder
my mom and dad got a divorce and he sold it. but i was going to any ways cause mom's boyfriend (who we are living with) can't have guns the only problem is that he hasn't given me the money yet. it wa a nice gun it was a costom fit titanium 22. s&w pistol. that thing was so damn light

Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2006 6:06 pm
by spudshot
i was given a total of 8 guns from various relatives who have passed away, or have become unable to hunt.
i've only sold one because the front sight was missing, the barrel was smoothbore, and the adapter which screwed on to the barrel like a silencer to give the barrel some rifling had the possibility of flying off, i would shoot a bit and find it had worked itself loose. i got 225 for it, not too bad, but i loved the stock on it, i wish it would have had a good rifled barrel, it would have made a great tack driver.
i'm working on restoring a .22 my great uncle gave me now, it needs a bolt and some cold bluing touchup, i've completely redone the stock already and cleaned up the rust.

Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2006 6:35 pm
by cardinals08
I have heard of taking about 3 or 4 soda cans and taking the tops and bottoms of each off, except for one bottom on one can, that would be the bottom can and you tape em together and do the lighter fluid and match thing with tennis balls

Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2006 6:41 pm
by dragon finder
yes you can but leave the last cand top on where the drinking hole and make a touch hole you can use canned food cans too 8)

Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2006 8:33 pm
by theregoesthewindow
another variation on the tennisball mortar is to tape together two or three potato chip cans together and drop some pipe over it to shield you. then drill a hole in the pipe and the bottom tube put in some combustible material and light it! btw this is a design taken from Backyard Ballistics, which in fact is the book that started me and my friend potato gunning, sadly only built two guns! still a buncha fun :lol: