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Damage/distance performance for mid-sized spud guns

Posted: Thu Aug 21, 2008 11:29 am
by Radiation
Just curious to see what people here are able to get performance wise from their mid-sized or Mini combustion spudguns? I'm wondering what kind of distance and damage others are getting from approximately 100 Cu. inch guns or smaller. I just kind of was curious as I saw on the Burnt Latke site that the miniL1 can shoot a 3/4" wood slug threw a 500 page phone book (about an inch or so thick) which sounds pretty darn impressive. Especially when you consider that's a mere 22 cu inches!

I'm pretty sure I could shoot through one with mine, but it's almost 100 cu inches. :D Any way I was curious to see if any one else has a smaller gun that performs really well like this and what kind of results they're getting.