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Vortex Block Airsoft

Posted: Wed Apr 02, 2008 3:19 pm
by phantomwarrior17
OK, I'm new here (post count will tell you) but I have made quote a number of spud guns and stuff. Ok, so I am going to make a vortex block and to power it I was going to use a 20oz CO2 tank. Now my option was to use these parts:

This tank: ... p-430.html

This Regulator (Please recommend a better one or a more adjustable one like down to 40 psi if you know of one or tell me if this is ok): ... p-703.html

And This remote line: ... -1288.html

Now I'm going to put the regulator before the valve on the remote hose and the tank after that. Will this setup work. Now with that what kind of momentary valve do I get. I need one to fit threads or should I just take the remote line to home depot and find one. And if this matters I will be threading this into PVC. Also how long will the tank last 30 seconds om constant fire or will the lower psi make it last longer. Thanks.

Posted: Wed Apr 02, 2008 6:58 pm
by brother361
umm for a regulator get a jack pack ith ink thats what they are called they work rele good and have a preaty big range of high to low pressure

Posted: Wed Apr 02, 2008 7:15 pm
by phantomwarrior17
brother361 wrote:umm for a regulator get a jack pack ith ink thats what they are called they work rele good and have a preaty big range of high to low pressure
CAn you ive me a link I searched it online and google and stuff and couldn't find it. And once I attach a blowgun, how do I attach the remote line to it. Does any one know the thread sizes.

Posted: Thu Apr 03, 2008 1:57 am
by Thursto
Your standard sized blowgun would be 1/4" OR it could be one side like 1/8" and the other 1/4".

and just be carefull what u make your block with and the material you use, CO2 we released expands and gets very cold.


Posted: Thu Apr 03, 2008 2:00 pm
by phantomwarrior17
Thursto wrote:Your standard sized blowgun would be 1/4" OR it could be one side like 1/8" and the other 1/4".

and just be carefull what u make your block with and the material you use, CO2 we released expands and gets very cold.

Thanks that helped and 1/4 inch any threads just making sure or like brass tubing and I know CO2 get cold all my gas psitols from airsoft and the propane ones freeze if firing to fast

Posted: Thu Apr 03, 2008 4:29 pm
by Thursto
Hahaha thats alright, ahh i dont underdstand "and 1/4 inch any threads just making sure or like brass tubing"

it would be like 1/4" nipples, and other attachments for aircompressor stuff come in 1/4" brass. so yeh its brass, i wouldnt say tubing, just like connectors and what not.