Idea for first pneumatic, 60mm Mortar

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Joined: Tue Sep 27, 2005 1:12 pm

Tue Dec 06, 2005 4:47 pm

I wasn't quite sure where to post this, so I figured I'd just post it here.
Sorry for such a long post, but there's alot to say and pretty much everyone I've mentioned this to hasn't been interested, so I'm dying to talk about it.

This is an idea I have for my first pneumatic that I'm planning on building this upcoming spring or summer.

I got the idea while looking for pictures of mortars from WWII and, seeing as I almost always have spud guns on my mind, I thought this would be a fun idea for paintball or just having fun with launching taters.

There are a few things I'm not quite sure about, though.

I want to keep the overall length of the barrel to about 40” to 55” just to keep it close to the actual length of the mortar I'm basing it off of. Link for info

So now for how the gun will be made.
I'll probably use either an electric car tire pump or a manual floor pump to pump it.
I don't need it to be all that powerful, so I'm not planning on having it over 60 PSI at the very max.
Also I'll probably just use a ball valve because, once again, I'm not looking for a lot of power.

The way I'm going to adjust the angle of the barrel is by adjusting the bipod for it.
I'm not sure exactly how I'd do it, but I was thinking of usingsome sort of metal band around the barrel and then have a bolt or something connected to that to allow the bipod to swivel.
For the bipod I was going to get something that is telescopic, so you would extend or retract it to raise or lower the barrel.

I haven't decided on what to use for the base.
I figured I'd go to the store some time and see what would work best.
I could use a thick piece of plywood, which would be free.
Or, if I have the money, I was thinking of a steel plate or something.
I don't want the base itself to move when firing, so I'll probably put railroad spikes in the four corners of the base.
I'm also going to put wooden blocks on the back corners of the base so that it will not only look more like the real thing, but to help the barrel to be angled more.

As for the Barrel...
I'm planning on using this mainly for paintball or when I feel like launching stuff.
The barrel is going to be 2” PVC and the chamber will either be the same or 4” PVC,depending on how I make it.
I was originally thinking of just making it in the in-line configuration, since it doesn't need to be all that powerful or accurate, but now I'm considering during an over-under configuration and use 2” PVC for the chamber.

The part I really don't know about is that the barrel will have to be able to change the angle while the base stays in the same position. I came up with an idea, but I don't know how it would work.

I wasn't sure how the gun would react if it's attached to a base that won't move, so I was originally thinking of somehow attaching a spring to the base of it, which would then be on something that would rotate (as mentioned above).
I didn't think 'til later that the barrel won't move down and will, more than likelly, move backwards.
I'm thinking that if it has the abillity to pivot, that will be enough to keep the gun of getting damaged when firing.

If I do the barrel in-line it will have (aprox.) a 4”x15” chamber and a 2”x30” barrel.
That's a C:B ratio of 2:1.
As far as I can see, the info given by the GGDT looks fine for what I'm looking for.
I'll upload a pic with the info from the GDDT with how I will most likelly be firing it.