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1) You might have said something that rings alarm bells with us - a dangerous misunderstanding we want to correct before passing you what you asked for. <br>
1) You might have said something that rings alarm bells with us - a dangerous misunderstanding we want to correct before passing you what you asked for. <br>
2) Perhaps you're asking how do do something that appears beyond your skill level - perhaps it's even something the pros would hesitate from doing (us knowing it's difficulty). <br>
2) Perhaps you're asking how do do something that appears beyond your skill level - perhaps it's even something the pros would hesitate from doing (us knowing its difficulty). <br>
3) Or maybe you've come in with a post that looks like a rejected ream from the infinite monkey room.
3) Or maybe you've come in with a post that looks like a rejected ream from the infinite monkey room.

Latest revision as of 01:23, 20 October 2009

A common complaint

You: I've come to the forums looking for information. I've asked a question, but no one is posting the exact answer to it. They're giving me links to pages that has information I didn't ask for, or telling me to do my own research. I mean, this is a forum, how about you actually help me?

Me: Yes, I know you came to the forums looking for information, but spudguns can be (and are) dangerous, and a big part of what we try to do on this site is...

Train people to think more independently.

This is so they are able to make intelligent decisions when building a spudgun without needing to run to the forum to ask about it.

If we drop only the information you specifically WANT on your lap, this doesn't supply you with everything you NEED - because you probably don't know what you need to know. As each cannon, builder and method is different, we won't know what you need to know either.

If you do your own research, you'll find a lot of this other information that you NEED while searching for what you WANT.
Ergo, by doing your own research, you become more independent. This is important for safety. If you rely on us to tell you about something, then you might do action X without realising it's unsafe. If you're able to think independently and scientifically, you'll know without having to be told - hence, making things safer.

Next, you're forgetting...

We're human too (well, most of us).

You might well find our apparent unwillingness to be free with information irritating. Imagine our point of view, given that we get people coming through on a regular basis who won't do their own research - we get pretty annoyed when every second newbie asks the same question as the one two before them and is unprepared to read anything but what has been posted in threads they have started.

Imagine if everyone here was unwilling to do their own research and didn't demonstrate independent thinking. We'd have a total mess, several injured/dead members and no forum at all.

Thirdly, you might be lucky, but....

We don't have days full of free time.

We don't live to serve the forum newcomers with all the information they want. We simply do not have the time to hang around typing out a full post to every answer, so to save our time, we give links to older topics which asked similar questions, outside websites - and try to get you thinking more independently so that you need to ask less questions, saving our time further.

Now, I guess you're interested in impressing people, and...

It makes you look good to do your own research!

Those people we can eventually cajole into doing some research are the normal crowd, so that's our benchmark. Considering that, if a newbie comes through having done their research, they immediately get moved up a dozen levels in our estimation. Someone we can get to do their research soon after arriving also gets a boost.

However, inversely, someone we can't coax into reading for themselves gets dropped a few rungs.

Lastly, but not to be forgotten...

We may not believe it safe to give you the information

There are several reasons this can happen, three common ones are below.

1) You might have said something that rings alarm bells with us - a dangerous misunderstanding we want to correct before passing you what you asked for.
2) Perhaps you're asking how do do something that appears beyond your skill level - perhaps it's even something the pros would hesitate from doing (us knowing its difficulty).
3) Or maybe you've come in with a post that looks like a rejected ream from the infinite monkey room.

Now, if you're asking about #1, it should be fairly obvious - we'll be focusing on your error. Accept our info and move on, you'll get an answer soon if you do.
If you're questioning us about #2, we'll be telling you it's difficult. It's worth listening, because our advice will likely save you money and disappointment.

Point #3 is the glaring thumb here. If someone comes in here writing like a drunken illiterate who's not even using his native language, this doesn't impress us. Indeed, poor writing will naturally make them appear less intelligent than good writing. Invoking #3 is more likely to get us to pick them up on both of the other points, because we will naturally think less of their skill level.

Doing this makes them look, quite frankly, thick - and makes us less likely to believe they will safely use our information. No amount of quoting "itz teh interweb dood speeling doesnt matta" will shift our viewpoint. Now, aside from the fact we will think less of their intelligence, why should we put effort into the answer when no effort went into the question? (Not to mention that we may simply not be able to tell what the question is in some of the more egregious examples we have seen!!!)

Yes, we know dyslexics are out there. We make allowances for the odd spelling or grammatical mistake - because it's easy to tell the difference between someone who has difficulty but has tried, and someone who is just being plain lazy. Cleaning up posts (indeed, there is even an integral forum spell checker), will immediately get better results from the forum.


If you've bothered to read this, that's a start - reading this article might not be what you asked for, but it tells you why we don't spoonfeed you with every tidbit of information you might ask for.

So, there are our reasons. I hope that's explained this to you.