Copper pipe

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Copper pipe and fittings are rising in popularity as a spudgun construction material. It is more expensive than PVC (especially larger dimensions) and much heavier, and is therefore mostly used for small caliber cannons (1" or less). Copper pipe is also rated to much higher pressures than PVC, whih makes it well suited for high pressure pneumatic cannons and hybrids. It is is also often used for making fuel meters. Copper pipe is usually joined by sweating, or by using compression fittings. The latter are more expensive, and may slip under high pressure unless braced correctly, but they require no tools other than a wrench for mounting. Threaded fittings for copper pipe are usually made of brass.

Copper pipe comes in two tempers, annealed and drawn. Annealed copper pipe is very soft, and can usually be bent by hand. Drawn copper pipe is rigid, and will flex rather than bend (to a certain limit). Drawn pipe is the most useful in spudgun construction, since it will keep its shape and not get damaged easily. It is also rated to about twice the pressure as an annealed pipe of the same size.