I'm in pain!!!

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Tue Mar 18, 2008 10:31 am

Killjoy wrote:Not necessarily. Some ERs are really bad about placement and priorities.

When I broke my collar bone, I had the damn bone pushing the skin out and I still was told to wait my turn because the women in front of me wanted her child's records and refused to go to the correct place. Fortunately someone figured out what was going on and came and helped me. Still, my ER sucks and the hospital is known as St. Victims so thats probably the problem.
All ERs have a classification system upon arrival. Sounds like you were ultimately moved ahead of the line, what's the real complaint? Of course, any trip to the ER sucks, but I'm still really glad they are there.
Killjoy wrote:...chances are you could just go to a regular old doctor to take a look at it and not fool around in the ER, and let the doctor decide what to do. And I ain't one to recommend a trip to the hospital or telling parents of injuries unless maintaining conciseness is a serious issue.

If this happened to me though, I'd just take care of it and try and keep quite, but thats because I'm quite familiar with the "ghetto" branch of medicine. I keep a bottle of super glue, gauze, hydrogen peroxide, and duct tape in a little bag and I have yet to encounter an injury I can't take care of (puncture wounds, burns, gashes, etc).
This is some very immature and frankly stupid advice you are throwing out there, some probably best kept to yourself.
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Tue Mar 18, 2008 11:02 am

how did it get to your toe? were you wearing sandals?
I wasn't wearing anything (...in terms of footwear :)) I don't usually wear shoes during the summer.

Oh and killjoy, I had a similar experience with waiting in a hospital. I waited probably 2-3 hours and then another 2 or more in a small hospital room (when I had a broken foot).
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Tue Mar 18, 2008 11:10 am

I hate er's once I was bitten by a dog and my parents took me to the hospital.I waited 6 hour and then they took me into a room where a guy looked at the bite and I asked him ''so do I need a tetnis shot?''
his answer was ''Oh no all you need is some polysporin'' and he walked out of the room an then I looked at my dad and he looked at me and I said ''What the fork!? it took 6 hours to get him in here and all I need is polysporin; mmmmmm typical ''.
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Tue Mar 18, 2008 1:51 pm

So counterstriker, you all right? How did the night go?
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Tue Mar 18, 2008 2:35 pm

pizlo wrote:So counterstriker, you all right? How did the night go?
Well I told my mom, it was actually funny cause a kid 1 week before she said has the same accident but being an idiot with gasoline.. We got silver sulfate, some burn stuff, and she brought home some pill for me to take.. so yah its all good.. but some nasty scarring will be sure to happen.

Thanks fo the help!
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Tue Mar 18, 2008 2:38 pm

starman wrote:
Counterstriker wrote:
potatoflinger wrote:He should certainly seek medical attention, but it would be pretty embarrasing to have to be treated around your "area". :oops:
Yah.. E.R. is gonna suck alot..

2 hours in waiting room
1-hour sign in
1 more hour wait
2 hours in "the white bed"
30 minute debriefing
= No sleep
You will be classed higher at the ER than a person with the flu, and they will see you faster than you might think. Don't worry about the suck-factor, put on some shorts and a tee shirt. Take some socks so your feet don't get cold. Goooooooo already....
Counterstriker wrote:I'm scared fur'real.. I don't want to tell my parents.. Cause they won't believe me.. I am 15 going on 16 soon.. But still...They know I have a thing for fire and they will think I was messing around.. But at the same time I don't wanna.. die.. get merca.. flesh eating bacteria.. And when I go to the emergency room, which I know my mom will make me go.. It will be hard explaining it to the doctors.. but still.. I think I will tell her later.. Thats 5 hours in the E.R.
I was 16 when I had my burn accident so I feel you man. Just tell everyone the truth, just like you told us here. It won't be as hard as you think and they will need to know the stuff involved (acetone) to properly treat you. You're not gonna die but you better get movin' partner. The earlier they help you the less chance you'll have of bad scars.
When I was 14 I was stabbed in the arm with a pencil by my stupid arse cousin.. It was a 2 inch deep wound, in my arm. I waited for 4 hours no lie.. I saw someof the most disgusting things in that hospitle...
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Tue Mar 18, 2008 2:50 pm

did you get stabbed in the upper or lower arm? I know it probably doesn't matter but I think lower would be more bareable. Did you ever step on thumb tacs with bare feet hurts alot but not as much as stepping on a rusty nail with bare feet hurts alot too.
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Tue Mar 18, 2008 2:51 pm

Good to hear from you counterstriker. I'm glad to got your mother involved. You'll probably be in some pain the next few days. Hopefully some new found respect for flammable chemicals, aye....
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Tue Mar 18, 2008 3:00 pm

starman wrote:Good to hear from you counterstriker. I'm glad to got your mother involved. You'll probably be in some pain the next few days. Hopefully some new found respect for flammable chemicals, aye....
Thanks for your help.. Lets just say I am never lighting insense again..

spudchucker wrote:did you get stabbed in the upper or lower arm? I know it probably doesn't matter but I think lower would be more bareable. Did you ever step on thumb tacs with bare feet hurts alot but not as much as stepping on a rusty nail with bare feet hurts alot too.
In the forearm.. Lower.. But it touched the bone! Man.. It hurt! I actually am getting a strange bump on my arm near the sca checked in the next few weeks. My mom thinks its a piece of graphite.. and no I have never stepped on rusty nails no thumb tacks.. You could say I am a lucky one :wink:
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Tue Mar 18, 2008 3:13 pm

very lucky one you are. I had a pop bottle bomb blow up in my hand. When I was 3 I liked medacine I was a weird child so I drank poisonous head lice shampoo got my stomach pumped. when I was 5 I got my foot ran over by a van that I was hiding under no joke. When I was 8 I was riding my bike and I put on the front brakes instead of the back while going about 16 mph down a hile you can amagine how that turned out.
I haven't learned my lesson for some reason.Oh yes I also had about 5 airsoft bb's ricochet back into my eye because of lack of goggles.
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Tue Mar 18, 2008 3:34 pm

All ERs have a classification system upon arrival. Sounds like you were ultimately moved ahead of the line, what's the real complaint? Of course, any trip to the ER sucks, but I'm still really glad they are there.
The only reason I got moved to the front of the line, after about 20 minutes, was because I started cussing out the women. My point was was that you were painting a much pretty pictue of ER's then I have, and many people know have never experienced.
This is some very immature and frankly stupid advice you are throwing out there, some probably best kept to yourself.
Oh yes so stupid, considering its what I've done before, and I didn't suggest the guy do it, I was just saying what I did and I'm quite experienced with taking care of my own serious injuries, including burns.

Well I'm glad to hear things worked out well for you counterstrike, its a shame the entire ordereal happened to began with.
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Tue Mar 18, 2008 4:02 pm

Yah.. I was actually just told I was gonna go to the doctors tonite.. But my dad thinks he will be fined.. Which he probably will.. 1 is because I look like I am 12 (i am 15). So silvadine will have to suffice for now..
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Tue Mar 18, 2008 4:11 pm

Shall I do the whole stirrup pump story again??

I did stab myself in the hand two days ago...with a screw driver...but it's not that serious...some ducttape and it was'" fixed"

It;s not like I could see my brains in there .. :shock: :D

( now that's a deep cut!)
Gun Freak wrote:
Oh my friggin god stop being so awesome, that thing is pure kick ass. Most innovative and creative pneumatic that the files have ever come by!

Can't ask for a better compliment!!
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Tue Mar 18, 2008 4:17 pm

No you don't want to do the sturrup pump story again you know we don't want it popping up in every thread now do we?
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Tue Mar 18, 2008 4:19 pm

It was a retorical ( sp?) question...

I don't have to explain that now do I??

( and there's another one.. :D )
Gun Freak wrote:
Oh my friggin god stop being so awesome, that thing is pure kick ass. Most innovative and creative pneumatic that the files have ever come by!

Can't ask for a better compliment!!
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