Got Away With DUI!

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Tue Mar 25, 2008 5:01 am

watto wrote:beleive it or not I actually got hit by a drink driver when I was like 12 f%cked up my bike and her car but I was fine 8) 8)
I was 25 -- my leg was broke when I was hit by a driver speeding around a tractor trailer going about 50mph. Forgot to mention it was at a red light, I was stopped, and the driver rear-ended me. Had I not been driving a Chevy Avalanche, and the driver wasn't driving a Ford Escort, I bet it could have been much worse. It was for him -- he didn't survive.
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Tue Mar 25, 2008 2:13 pm

g's man give the guy a break...It's not like he hit anyone Laughing Everyone drink drives every now and then, it's only if you do it when your completely plastered that it gets a bit dangerous.
It is idiotic reasoning like this that ends up getting people killed. "Its not like he hit anyone"... Who cares if he doesn't hit anyone the first, or even tenth time he drives drunk, what if on the eleventh occasion, you watto, are walking down the street, and rna flies around a corner, and runs you down while moving at 50mph? How would you feel if you were permanently impaired by someone else's carelessness? Of course, if you were killed, you might only feel a brief period of pain, and because you seem to have the same attitude as rna, such an event might not be a bad thing. However, I like my life, and I don't want some drunk moron's stupidity to ruin it for me.
And yes I do have brain damage,and Epilepsy I also have a foreshadowing of schizophrenia but missed out on the Bi-Polar gene, and I drove once with some alcohol in me that I forgot..I have been held back YEARS being able to get my licence because of my illnesses and 3 days after I get my licence I forgot I had some drinks and went to tie my friends dog up.The officer that pulled me over seemed to believe I was safe enough to drive, which I was as I am still here....
If you are not mentally stable enough to remember that you have just consumed a mind impairing substance before getting into a car to drive on public roads, you shouldn't have a license in the first place. I've always said that most accidents and deaths are caused by careless, idiotic drivers, and over the course of this thread, you have further proved this to me.
And YES I do no about all the consequences of driving when you have drank alcohol,heck even most of my friends lost there licences due to it some have even died of a result
So you've known friends that have lost their licenses, and some who have even died as a result of driving while impaired, yet you still do it? I cannot fathom by any stretch of imagination how you managed to obtain a license in the first place.
but will it stop me from living?No Fuccking Way.Live life a little,and to it's fullest then tell me what you think.
Ah, typical attitude, thinking that in order to "live" and enjoy life, you have to get drunk every weekend and perform reckless endeavors while intoxicated. I've done plenty of reckless and law defying shit in my life, and I have consumed a total of one beer. Don't begin to tell me that "You've never experienced it, so you don't know what its like". I know damn well what it is like, and personally, I will save myself the embarrassment. Living life to its fullest does not involve stumbling around with impaired sensory perception, that is just called being an idiot.

And besides, even if you want to consume large amounts of alcohol for some reason intelligent people fail to understand, you don't have to drive while under said influence.
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Tue Mar 25, 2008 7:54 pm

:idea: :idea: :idea:
You shouldn't be commenting on something you have no experience in, and seem to know nothing about, just because your pet bunny got hit by some drunk driver, doesn't qualify you to bag out anyone who's ever driven home from the pub...
Last edited by watto on Tue Mar 25, 2008 11:51 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Tue Mar 25, 2008 7:55 pm

I guess it happens, although it really shouldn't.

Everyone responds to alcohol differently, and mabye Rna was, indeed, still sober enough to drive.

Regardless, drinking and driving is not a good combo in any circumstances. I know I sound like an old man or whatever, but like I said earlier- we have alot of people dying here due to street racing, drinking or a combination of both.

That "It won't happen to me" attitude will get you knee-deep in shiat rather quickly.

My two cents anyways :roll:
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Tue Mar 25, 2008 11:19 pm

watto wrote:I doubt anyone will be bothered reading that kids long winded rant (I know I didn't :lol:), but judging by the first paragraph he must be trying to get his post count up or something :lol: or just appear somehow superior because he doesn't drink (not old enough by the sound of it). But when he grows up and learns that some people can drink sensible amounts of alcohol and still be perfectly good drivers he'll probably look back on that post and realize how ignorant he sounds.

:idea: :idea: :idea:
You shouldn't be commenting on something you have no experience in, and seem to know nothing about, just because your pet bunny got hit by some drunk driver, doesn't qualify you to bag out anyone who's ever driven home from the pub...
Why even take a chance though? Sure, sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do, but playing it safe is never a bad thing. Not to mention, getting a DUI is never good for your record...

By the way, why are you attacking SpudBlaster's age? Do you even know how old he is?
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Tue Mar 25, 2008 11:24 pm

watto wrote:because he doesn't drink (not old enough by the sound of it).
Both you and I know, no one sticks to the drinking age :)

Though I think I recall SB15 saying he's not a drinker even if he had the chance, or was that DYI? Not sure, don't quote me on it :P
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Tue Mar 25, 2008 11:57 pm

watto wrote:I doubt anyone will be bothered reading that kids long winded rant (I know I didn't :lol:), but judging by the first paragraph he must be trying to get his post count up or something :lol: or just appear somehow superior because he doesn't drink (not old enough by the sound of it). But when he grows up and learns that some people can drink sensible amounts of alcohol and still be perfectly good drivers he'll probably look back on that post and realize how ignorant he sounds.

:idea: :idea: :idea:
You shouldn't be commenting on something you have no experience in, and seem to know nothing about, just because your pet bunny got hit by some drunk driver, doesn't qualify you to bag out anyone who's ever driven home from the pub...
Exactly the response I expected from a person with a double digit IQ.

Firstly, I didn't mention or imply the fact that I don't drink until the final paragraph, so you must have read my "long winded rant". When you want to lie about something to avoid responding to points that you cannot counter, make sure that you have sufficient mental capacity to remember what you just read 30 seconds prior, or you will probably contradict yourself in the same sentence.

The portion of the population who can tolerate "sensible" amounts of alcohol without suffering impairment is a SMALL fraction. The majority of people who believe they know where their limit is are dead wrong. Even if one does not seem impaired, they most likely are, and in certain situations, they will be unable to react to or judge a situation using coherent logic. This situation may not arise the first time they drive drunk, or the hundredth time, or maybe not at all, but why would any person who is not brain dead even consider adding a large amount of risk to their own life, and to the lives of others who have no choice in the situation?

I believe I am damn well qualified to put anyone who has driven home from the pub with severely impaired mental functions in their place. I've seen the potential consequences. I've seen people hospitalized and even killed due to a severe judgment error that no sober human would make, even though the driver thought they were "below their threshold" and had "driven home safely 10 times in a row in an identical condition".

RNA admitted to us that he knew he was over the legal limit. At this point, whether he realized it or not, he was most likely further impaired. Sure, he made it home alright, but what if I had walked across the road 20 feet in front of him? Would he have been able to apply the brakes in time, or would it have registered in his impaired mind too late, resulting in him being unable to stop, and thus hitting me and possibly rendering me a paraplegic?

The point is, drunk driving accidents are always circumstantial, which is why people get away with it so often, and then establish in their minds that they are safe to drive at that level of impairment, when they really are not. However, drunk drivers are almost always complete morons, so a simple solution would be to administer an intelligence test before giving someone their license.
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Wed Mar 26, 2008 12:48 am

SpudBlaster15 wrote:what if I had walked across the road 20 feet in front of him? Would he have been able to apply the brakes in time
Well that depends on whether he knew it was you...cos Ide have to think long and hard about whether to brake at all :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: nah just kiddin.

Just drop it man, if you don't like drinking well good for you your a farking hero, but don't carry on like your somehow smarter than all us regular people, I don't know where you live but in Australia probly 95% of people drink, I saw a survey on a current affairs program a few months back that said 76% of men admitted to drink driving at one stage or another so don't tryn make out that its some terrible thing that hardly anyone does and that me and RNA and the 76% of Australian men are all evil, but if you've had heaps to drink and you really think that your goin to struggle to drive then of course I would never drive and Im guessing RNA wouldn't either.
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Wed Mar 26, 2008 1:07 am

3 beers to me in my mind is not impairing, and in no way was I drunk,I was over the limit of 0.00 but drunk?No way,I have a rather high tolerance to alcohol.I wasn't even feeling the effects of the alcohol,the officer didn't show me the reading of the machine,but for all I know it could of been 0.01 or something,what ever the reading he saw me as being safe enough to drive home.

Yes I have been in cars with my drunk friends,yes I do alot of idiotic things and yes I am quite happy with my life.I only have one more goal in my life to make before it's complete and once that is done I would be more then happy to die in a drunken hazed car crash.SB15,stop your bitching,it's not going to undo what has already happened.
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Wed Mar 26, 2008 1:10 am

I've stated my point(s), so I am done. Issue dropped.

I'm in Canada, and I would say that 95% is probably an accurate figure in terms of describing the fraction of the people at my high school that go out and get plastered every Friday night, and that is including the 13-14 year olds. Walking around town at between 12am and 1am, I've almost been run down by morons speeding down residential streets at 80km/h+ while swerving from lane to lane and nearly driving into people's yards, etc. Luckily, it is rare that you will ever see even a single additional vehicle on the road at these times, so I have not yet heard of or witnessed a collision.

rna_duelers wrote:I only have one more goal in my life to make before it's complete and once that is done I would be more then happy to die in a drunken hazed car crash.
Just make sure you don't kill anyone but yourself, mmkay?
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Wed Mar 26, 2008 1:13 am

watto wrote:but don't carry on like your somehow smarter than all us regular people
No offence, but SB15 is quite smart. I don't mind admitting he's smarter then me, hell DYI is, and he's younger then me. He may not have the practical experience you have watto, but in therory SB15 seems to be a smarty pants. :)
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Wed Mar 26, 2008 1:22 am

MrCrowley wrote:I don't mind admitting he's smarter then me, hell DYI is, and he's younger then me.
Well, from what I have witnessed, you and DYI are pretty much equal (both above average).

As far as myself, well, it is quite hard to make comparisons with others when you can only base your judgment on comments they have posted on an internet forum.
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Wed Mar 26, 2008 1:26 am

Yeah, too many people get killed by drunk drivers. It's not the fact that they hurt themselves, (they are taking the risk) but that they hurt others. I know more than one person who has had somebody killed due to a drunk driver. It's just not something to shrug off.
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Wed Mar 26, 2008 1:33 am

What seems rather alarming to me is that around 93% of all traffic accidents are caused by people who aren't drunk, what's their excuse?
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Wed Mar 26, 2008 1:39 am

jackssmirkingrevenge wrote:What seems rather alarming to me is that around 93% of all traffic accidents are caused by people who aren't drunk, what's their excuse?
How many drunk drivers are there compared to sober though?

You can't make a comparison until you add up all the hours sober and drunk drivers drive, and the percentages of drunk over sober drivers etc.