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I'm in pain!!!

Posted: Mon Mar 17, 2008 3:20 pm
by Counterstriker
I was cleaning my airsoft gun with acetone in my room.. The smell was really bad so got some inscense and lit in.. the match fell in the little jar of acetone.., Big fire.. I pick in up to go throw in the toilet but it gets so hot i drop in on myself!! My pants went up in smokes!! I immdeditaly stopped dropped and rolled... I thought it worked at first but then I got his intense heat sunsation.. I ran to my room grabbed the blaket and put it on myself.. It then went out... My legs hurt pretty bad.. They are just red like bad sunburn.. at one little part of my thigh my skin was "scratched" I put neosporin over my legs.. I hope it was just a first degree burn.. It hurts bad when I sit.. I get burned alot.. Around 4rth of july.. it feels like when I burn my fingers bu my whole thighs.. Any idea.. what I should do? I am so stupid :(

Posted: Mon Mar 17, 2008 3:25 pm
by pizlo
Ooh damn man, wierd how people react when there suddenly shocked. like when I dropped a dremel at full speed with 6 inches of off center PVC on it I bent it over to grab it :shock: I was abkle to realize this and unplug it, like you with your quick thinking. man that could have been much worse, do your parents know? any common using a match around acetone? thats my favorite fire starter, but wow. glad you didn't REALLY hurt yourself, or burn down your house! And I guess room temp water, and keep the soothing creames coming.

Posted: Mon Mar 17, 2008 3:30 pm
by Counterstriker
pizlo wrote:Ooh damn man, wierd how people react when there suddenly shocked. like when I dropped a dremel at full speed with 6 inches of off center PVC on it I bent it over to grab it :shock: I was abkle to realize this and unplug it, like you with your quick thinking. man that could have been much worse, do your parents know? any common using a match around acetone? thats my favorite fire starter, but wow. glad you didn't REALLY hurt yourself, or burn down your house! And I guess room temp water, and keep the soothing creames coming.

Yah.. Thanks.. I am an idiot sometimes.. I don't wanna tell them yet.. My one leg is blistering but I am applying neosporin. Every hour I will clean and repeat.. Yah.. Well first the acetone went all oer the rug... So I layed in it whle rolling.. then it went out... Jeez.. I don't wanna tell my parents.. They won't be to mad.. But still It sounds stupid.. Any other advice? I am gonna down some tylenols..

Posted: Mon Mar 17, 2008 3:41 pm
by SpudFarm
fill a bath tub with 20c water and jump in...
then sit there a while to get all the acetone and dirt out and wash with cold water for a while that is what i do "small scale"

i am a trial driver and one time i was going to jump up a wall but did not make it the way i have to. i lost all speed while on the wall and bailed. my shoe was ripped off and my foot was clamped between the exhaust and dirty ground. at the same time my finger was crushed between a rock and the handle bar (ouch) so i got a BAD burn on my foot then i did that^ and taped some thin plastic over so it would not stick to the burn when i removed it, and it took two mounth to hela (yeah two full mounths before i could wear a shoe normaly)

Posted: Mon Mar 17, 2008 3:55 pm
by rcman50166
mistakes... They happen to the best of us. I think anyone would agree that the mishap you had was a freak accident (especially the escalation of events). But these kind of accidents are always for the best. I'm sure you've become more cautious. It was better you learn from your mistakes now rather than become more and more careless until a lethal situation is waiting to happen. So in a sense, what doesn't kill you makes you smarter. Hope you feel better. :D

Posted: Mon Mar 17, 2008 3:58 pm
by Counterstriker
Thanks, I cleaned in with hydrogen peroxide.. So it shouldn't become infected. I also had a tylenol and put more neosporin on it.. its feeliong slightly better.. I am now getting blisters.. Not the giant ones. But I am going to my uncles house and they have kids who like to try to beat me up... Man! Its gonna be painful (there 5,6,9). If anyone still has some help, please feel free.

Posted: Mon Mar 17, 2008 4:03 pm
by Sticky_Tape
When my dad put in new floor I was using a saw on the table and the saw was falling off the table and I don't know how I did this but when it almost hit the floor maybe 1 foot off the floor I reached down pretty fast to catch the saw and I did maybe knowing that if I put a dent in the floor my dad would pwn me had a effect on my reaction time o and get better :D

EDIT:For the ankle bitters I would ether pay them off or bring a squirt

EDIT:An squirt them in the eyes if they chase you.

Posted: Mon Mar 17, 2008 4:16 pm
by fatcat
ouch. I have two humongus blisters on my left thumb and forefinger from a heated knife blade that i was using to cut wax with. I thought it was sufficently cooled so I went to wipe the wax off with a paper towel and it burned right through. My parents dont really care too much but your incident sounds a little larger scale.

Posted: Mon Mar 17, 2008 4:20 pm
by bigbob12345
Well i actually havent had many accedents such as this one, but i have had a couple. Once I dropped a 50lb weight on my toe from chest height. I couldnt move it for a couple days and the toenail died and peeled itself off slowly.
Another is in the old days when I made explosives(I wont go into to much detail because it against the rules)
all I will say is penny bomb went off in hand and I am lucky i still have all my fingers. this is when i decided never to make any explosives again.
the last one is sorta similar to yours accept not as bad.
Well it was july fourth and i was weary from all these loud noises of firworks and stuff so i sat down on top of a pool of lighter fluid and I didnt know it.
I was test lighting my zippo as it had been having problems finally got it to work. There was I firecracker sitting next to me so I decided id light it and as soon as the zippos flame went off the entire pool of lighter fluid lit and engulfed me but i got out quick and no parts of my clothes or anything lit so it was kinda like a instant sunborn
i am now done sharing my stories that you probably didnt read anyway.

to help the pain of it just cover the entire thing with a bunch of petrolium jelly it works really well for burns.

Posted: Mon Mar 17, 2008 4:21 pm
by potatoflinger
I hope you feel better man, burns really aren't fun. But I do have one question, why did you light incense? Why not just open a window?

Posted: Mon Mar 17, 2008 4:23 pm
by SpudFarm
fatcat. i did cut me with a red hot knife blade for some weeks ago.
it DID stink ALOT :D

Posted: Mon Mar 17, 2008 4:25 pm
by MaxuS the 2nd
I had a piece of plastic clamped onto the drill-press platform. When I started to drill, the drill ripped the plastic out from under the clamp, it spun on the drill bit and cut the base of my thumb right down to the bone.
I just pushed it back together and got my mum to tape it up nicely.

You just need to know wtf you are going to do incase of an accident, my strategy....Tell my mum.

Posted: Mon Mar 17, 2008 4:28 pm
by Sticky_Tape
I made a vb b and I still have my and good thing.

Posted: Mon Mar 17, 2008 5:29 pm
by Novacastrian
Burns hey, reminds me of a time i was camping and tried to cool down some cans of drink with LPG. I dug a hole put the cans in upended a 3kg gas bottle and opened the valve, a big cloud of gas surrounded me and then a big ball of flames- happy days. I was burnt pretty bad on my arm and lower leg. Must have been static electricity that set it off, ouchy.

I hope you are feeling better Counterstriker, i would recommend telling your rents, it will show them that they can trust you :wink:

Posted: Mon Mar 17, 2008 5:39 pm
by pizlo
Always better for your parents to find out from you then on there own. and dealing with all the petroleum jelly could be fun. :wink: (beat you to it jack).
I'm pretty newbie in this thing, haven't had any large burns. I got a second degree from flaming liquid dripping nylon rope :P it wasn't that bad at all. Not like the damn bone bruise thats been on my elbow for 4 weeks, adn whenever i hit it feels like i'm getting stabbed.