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If anyone knows which scumbag stole my MTB, please tell me

Posted: Sat Sep 17, 2011 11:13 pm
by evilvet
Just ranting.

Went out the back this morning to find my $850 MTB that I use for trail riding with the kids has been lifted by some prick !!

What amazes me more is that they walked straight past three other better bikes including my full carbon roadie and also ignored the entire tool shed.

Went to the local police but as expected they said thanks for letting us know but don't hold your breath. That said, Constable Emma was sooooo cute that it actually made the trip worthwhile.

Anyhow, if you see a black Shogun 7005 upgraded to Deore XT with a full Topeak kit being ridden in the inner east of Melbourne, that's mine.

Posted: Sat Sep 17, 2011 11:30 pm
by jackssmirkingrevenge

Posted: Sat Sep 17, 2011 11:41 pm
by Zeus
LAG (is that right) most stuff I've seen and had stolen was stolen by richer people. Anyway, I should be slightly offended by your comment considering my background, but I'll let it go.

(LAG's post was removed and so are all comments referring to it.
Edited by BTB.)

Posted: Sat Sep 17, 2011 11:49 pm
by Crna Legija

Sucks about your bike, check eBay to see if they are selling it. Any way you could prove its your bike if you did find it?

Posted: Sat Sep 17, 2011 11:53 pm
by Technician1002
This is the reason I grew up on Kmart bikes. I drove beater cars for a long time. I worked for a while in a high end audio shop, but would not change out the stock radio in my car.

I've still been stolen from. Thieves stole my lawnmower and weedeater one year. This is the primary reason I don't flash nice stuff.

It does not mean I do without. I don't have an iPod. I do have several MP3 players. All cost $20 or less. For the house I have a wired alarm and video camera setup.

I've never had a bike stolen since high school. My current one is older and faded purple in color. Nobody would bother taking it.

Posted: Sun Sep 18, 2011 12:07 am
by Insomniac
We've had the same car stolen TWICE from outside the front of our house. The second time they tried to torch it, but before they set it alight (after dousing it with petrol), someone scared them off. So my parents were left with a damaged car which they couldn't claim fully on insurance.

@LAG, we really don't need racism on the forum. I could turn this into a rant, but I'll refrain and ask that you keep such views to yourself in future.

Posted: Sun Sep 18, 2011 12:09 am
by jackssmirkingrevenge
Technician1002 wrote:Nobody would bother taking it.
Someone funding a drug habit would.

I once had my car stereo stolen even though the faceplate was safely in my room :roll:

Posted: Sun Sep 18, 2011 12:22 am
by evilvet
Thanks for the kind words guys, and for what it is worth, LAG take it elsewhere.

@CL, not too many Shogun's running Deore XT and SPD's, it was a custom upgrade I did myself. I have the receipts for the parts with serial numbers.

Funny, my wife's car was stolen from the driveway a few years ago.
We had given up on it and it was coming up on the time for insurance to declare the loss.

I got a phone call from Plod on the other side of town.
"Come and move your car, it has been parked illegally outside the police station for almost a week now !!"

I inquired if he knew how to use his computer system, went over and found the screw driver they had used to jack the ignition still siting on the front seat, used it to start up and drove home.


Posted: Sun Sep 18, 2011 12:54 am
by daniel0663
I had, 2 sets of Racing hart CP035 forged rims stolen from my backyard.
Makes you think what your next door neighbors are up to :roll:

Bloody thieves...

Posted: Sun Sep 18, 2011 2:26 am
by Moonbogg
People who steal from others and are perfectly able to live with themselves should be removed from here.

Posted: Sun Sep 18, 2011 2:45 am
by MRR
In the area where I life the scumbags are stealing less traceable stuff like metals. At the current prices on the market you get 1200 euro per metric ton for scrap metal and much more for copper. They even steal from churches that are hundreds of years old, it's disgusting.

Posted: Sun Sep 18, 2011 3:35 am
by daniel0663
stealing less traceable stuff like metals
Yuppp, this happened at our school not to long ago.
They stole the copper pipes and the drinking tap brass fittings.
Which they probably made a fortune from, buy selling it at the scraps..

Shows how inconsiderate people can be..... :cry:

Posted: Sun Sep 18, 2011 3:44 am
by jakethebeast
that sucks, im happy that i live deep in the forrest :) no thewes in here :wink:

Posted: Sun Sep 18, 2011 4:28 am
by qwerty
Best bet is searching through eBay, same thing happened to my friends trial bike and he found it on eBay, getting it back.

Posted: Sun Sep 18, 2011 4:35 am
by MrCrowley

Post deleted, you know why :wink:
Crna Legija wrote:[youtube][/youtube]
I see it found its way to Australia, that guy is a great ambassador for NZ :D

Best comment (if you watch league and don't like the Tigers):
HardCaseCuzz: Warriors losing 20-18............NEK MINUTE!

Sounds like you live in a rough neighbourhood :shock:
I think the last time something of reasonable value was stolen from me was my 30gb iPod a couple of years ago, I was in Rome though :roll:

Aside from swapping the sim card in a smart phone for a crappy phone when I go out drinking or chucking my wallet/phone/iPod/stereo faceplate in the car glove box, I usually don't think about my things being stolen. It certainly wouldn't stop me from buying something nice.

Perhaps it will all change when I go flatting, we shall see.

Edit: Someone recently stole 34 AMB TranX 260 transponders from a family friend's store. Sucks for them because each transponder has a unique code that shows up when it passes the receiver and the guy he stole them from owns one of the few major racing tracks in NZ and knows the officials at all the others.