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Posted: Mon Jun 18, 2007 3:42 pm
by Specialist
aaaaaa...... the ninja ones where horrible i thought. i like the big rig myths they are pretty cool.

Posted: Mon Jun 18, 2007 4:04 pm
by Velocity
I was just watching the chicken gun myth episode as well... its a cool gun, but still if someone posted that gun on Spudfiles, it would get ripped apart :lol: . The perpendicular construction creates stress on the barrel (though they do have that stand), the chamber to barrel ratio is off, the valve should have not been manual, the barrel was too short, etc...

Posted: Mon Jun 18, 2007 4:25 pm
by VH_man
Rmich, same thing with that cannonball cannon. they used un-modified solenoids for gods sake! if you heard the thing dry-fire it went FSSSSSSTTTTT BLAM!!!! just like an unmodified sprinkler valve. i still say the mythbusters should have consulted BTB, their cannon would have OWNED. either that or made a hybrid, but i dont think discovery would like the mythbusters explaining to random ppl who watch TV how a hybrid works.... many deaths would follow.........

Posted: Mon Jun 18, 2007 4:29 pm
by Fnord
Heh.. I'll give you a cookie if you can guess the only mythbusters episode I've never seen.

I thought the ninja ones kinda sucked too, unfortunately. I wish adam would post the chicken gun here actually :)

Posted: Mon Jun 18, 2007 5:05 pm
by VH_man
yeah. someone shold send in a request for the mythbusters gang to get an account on spudfiles. so many things they do on that show could be severley bettered by the spudfiles community. we would also like to see what a 100,000 dollar budget per cannon would make.............

Posted: Mon Jun 18, 2007 5:08 pm
by A-98
send them an email, maybe we'll be extremely lucky. :?
Rmich, same thing with that cannonball cannon. they used un-modified solenoids for gods sake! if you heard the thing dry-fire it went FSSSSSSTTTTT BLAM!!!! just like an unmodified sprinkler valve. i still say the mythbusters should have consulted BTB, their cannon would have OWNED. either that or made a hybrid, but i dont think discovery would like the mythbusters explaining to random ppl who watch TV how a hybrid works.... many deaths would follow.........
yup, i noticed that the first time i watched the episode, and for about 2 days afterward i wondered what it would have been like with a piston valve :D

Posted: Mon Jun 18, 2007 8:07 pm
by Velocity
The Mythbusters do have a budget though... they were pretty good scavengers for that project. Anyways, I think the main problem with the chicken gun was the inaccuracies which resulted from the different times which it took to open the valve. A piston valve of that size (while certainly feasible with their tools) would cost too much.

...Though, aren't they the ones who wasted $25,000 on ping pong balls :lol: :P :shock:

Posted: Mon Jun 18, 2007 8:14 pm
by VH_man
hahaha. ping-pong vortex PPMG (Ping-Pong Machine Gun) anyone?

Posted: Mon Jun 18, 2007 8:16 pm
by ammosmoke
WTF?? How many pingpong balls did they need!?!? What for?? Anyways, I think that their budget was definitely enough to facilitate a good cannon of that size. I mean, really, 2 grand should be more than enough.

Posted: Mon Jun 18, 2007 8:19 pm
by VH_man
They Used the Ping-Pong Balls to lift a ship out of "Davy-Jone's Locker". It actually worked..........

and yes, 2 grand could make me a 6 inch porting piston valve. who the hell WOULDNT want a 6 inch porting piston valve. of course, youd have to vent it with like a mauler vented by a QEV to get ANY kind of power but hey......... Not my problem. In fact, i might have won 7,000 bucks for some cheapy car sweepsates thing. if i did, you might see a 6 inch porting valve............. MUAHAHAHAHAHAHA

Posted: Fri Jul 06, 2007 1:23 pm
by koolaid465002
I liked the on where they had to build a steam cannon has anyone seen it?

Posted: Fri Jul 06, 2007 1:48 pm
by lukemc
well this topic kinda dead but sice its bumped back up i thought id ask if anyone has seen the one with the car ejecter seat. what kind of valve did they have on that thing they showed it breifly and if was a beast

Posted: Fri Jul 06, 2007 1:56 pm
by paaiyan
koolaid465002 wrote:I liked the on where they had to build a steam cannon has anyone seen it?
Yea, I've seen video of some MIT students making a steam cannon better than the mythbusters though, dang it owned. But they said it was so powerful they weren't going to release the inforamtion on how to make it. Oh but it was powerful. I've been trying to figure out how they did it.

Posted: Fri Jul 06, 2007 2:10 pm
by frocksie
The steam cannon was pretty impressive. Adam and Jamie were really surprised that the cannon ball traveled a mile, but the pressure chamber was massive! If they had taken the cannon up to 200psi like they had originally planned, they would have put that cannon ball into the city of San Fransisco.

The small scale 2nd generation steam cannon was something I would love to build.

Posted: Fri Jul 06, 2007 2:10 pm
by joannaardway
paaiyan wrote:Yea, I've seen video of some MIT students making a steam cannon better than the mythbusters though, dang it owned. But they said it was so powerful they weren't going to release the inforamtion on how to make it. Oh but it was powerful. I've been trying to figure out how they did it.
I know how they did it - but I'm not going to tell you either, because I'm evil. :twisted:

That, and I want to build one, but my parents certainly wouldn't approve.