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Posted: Fri Jun 30, 2006 10:48 pm
by huse_spud
STUD ZOOKA by kyle husmann

stud zooka is a pnuematic launcher that i made to launch heavier and more akward objects.

stud zooka has a 3" barrel for baseballs, t-shirts, and sodabottles & a 4"
barrel for toilet paper and softballs.

this gun is triggered by a 1" rainbird cp-100 and comes with cam lever couplings so i can easily attach and remove barrels.

the launcher is truly a stud. it's power is devastating at close range.

This is STUD-ZOOKA Enjoy!!!

Posted: Fri Jun 30, 2006 11:00 pm
by CS
Damn fine! Although your camera sucks.

So clean! Like how everything is setup. Thats quite alot of air to push threw one sprinkler... At any rate, nice job. I usally dont reply to nice cannons that dont break the mold as concepts go, because you cant really say anything, but nice! To tell you the truth I would never thought you could construct such a nice cannon.

Posted: Fri Jun 30, 2006 11:07 pm
by huse_spud
Thanks about the comments, and I know, I used my web cam like usual.

But really, who would waste their time on spudfiles if they never planned on making a nice cannon?

I'm glad I've suprised someone though.

I think I might turn part of the chamber up in a 90 degree angle or something to save space.

Posted: Sat Jul 01, 2006 12:06 am
by Rambo
Why did you put this mega luncher sised chamber realy?I don't know about diafragm valves but if you are able to get more then 1 shot with that chamber, wich is inposible with a ball valve.

Posted: Sat Jul 01, 2006 8:37 am
by huse_spud
The large chamber was necessary so that I could use a large barrel to launch large objects. :roll:

I think you mean "why have a large 4" chamber with only a 1" to fire it".

I was a bit sceptical myself, but it really does fire hard & well.

Maybe it looks larger because it's an inline...

How do I put pictures in the quick replies? I want to show my proof.

Posted: Sat Jul 01, 2006 10:58 am
by noname
The only way I've seen is to edit your post and then do the pictures. And yeah, a 1" sprinkler is kind of small for a 4" chamber and barrel.

Posted: Sat Jul 01, 2006 11:03 am
by carlbelcher
how do i put pictures in the quick reply's? i want to show my proof.
Just host your pics. on Flickr and use the img code. More storage, less size limitation.

Posted: Sat Jul 01, 2006 9:29 pm
by huse_spud
Oh my goodness! i added a little wadding around my soda bottles today and holy cow what a difference!!!

adds an extra 50 yards to every shot plus it kicks pretty hard too!

wasn't holding on tight enough the first time i added wadding and it smacked my arm pretty hard!

this is getting interesting...

And yes i think the valve is a bit too small but i'm really starting to think it's not harming the performance that much.

would a homemade valve perform better? cause if it could i'd use the sprinkler for a later project maybe.

Posted: Sat Jul 01, 2006 11:04 pm
by noname
Try making a valve in a 3" T or something big. That would increase your performance a ton. If you want it to be really good you can use the sprinkler to actuate the 3" homemade. It makes it open extremely fast and dump TONS of air.

Posted: Sun Jul 02, 2006 10:59 am
by frogy
3" Tee's are too expensive I think, like $8 for a tee

I love this gun, inlines normally aren't my thing in pneumatics, but this thing looks like a beast....

Try using Styrofoam for wadding for pop cans and paintballls, watch the Beer Cannon montage and see what it does using styrofoam wadding and beer cans :D

To use images you can go to and upload your shrunken image there and then use HTML code to post the image...

Code: Select all

<img src="direct link to image">
but put a / in before the last >

Posted: Sun Jul 02, 2006 2:57 pm
by huse_spud
Ok i just posted some power proof @ the top so enjoy.

would a 3" tee really be that powerful if it ony had 1" openings?
cuz that's what this gun would have.

but i don't think i need to change anything, this gun was a satisfying success and i was more than pleased with the results.