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Vortex Project

Posted: Sat Feb 05, 2005 8:10 pm
<div align="center">VORTEX PROJECT

Provided By - fullmetaljacket

I just wanted to share the details of my latest project that was inspired by the various 'vortex block' designs shown on the database.

While the performance of your average 'strafer' type BB machinegun is impressive, it still looks like a plumber's wet dream and needs an air hose attached to it. My design uses the same concept, but with a much smaller BB reservoir (about 500 rounds as opposed to 6,000) for several reasons. The smaller volume means the air has less space to expand in therefore exits the barrel at higher pressure, ergo more power. It's also a matter of basic economics, my wallet can ill afford to feed the voracious appetite for ammunition vortex block designs tend to have.

I also wanted to reduce the amount of volume between the trigger valve and the actual vortex block for better efficiency, and I could do this thanks to the fact that I don't really use standard fittings for my creations but instead fit everything together with strong marine epoxy adhesive in a manner similar to the way concrete is used (a liquid matrix poured into a mould). It can be messy at times, and if it goes wrong the end result is a solid block that can be thrown away, but with a bit of care and attention it works.

This is basically what I have built so far (see attachments - apologies for the pic quality, i should be buying a newdigicam soon, promise) mostly from 40mm drain pipe. The vortex block is the vertical piece of tubing above the trigger, the rest of the pipes form an interconnected air chamber that gives the gun its own air source. The dimensions are based on the M249 SPW light machinegun, and eventually a plywood shell will be built around the mechanism to neaten up the aesthetics. The above configuration only gives enough air for approximately 100 BBs, so I'm in the process of adding a second air chamber that more than doubles the available air, cunnigly disguised as the boxed belt mag used by the M249.

One could always attach an air hose to the valve for extended bursts.
Eventually I'd like to add a rail on top of the action for a red dot reflex sight or maybe a mount for my Sibir Optics NV - laser sight.

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Provided By - fullmetaljacket</div>

Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2005 4:21 pm
by kto
how big is ure vortex block?

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2005 6:44 pm
by deathtodeer666
wow I must have ten store bought bb guns but this is simple and with way more power and rpm(rounds per minute) im going to design one right now.
is the inlet on the votex block facing down or up? How exactly does it work

Posted: Sat Oct 29, 2005 5:54 am
by Cronic
How many shots do you get from one fill?

Posted: Sun Oct 30, 2005 5:36 am
by Animal81182
The vortex block can't be much more than an inch square, take a look at the comparison between the vortex block and the blow gun trigger!!

This looks a really good design, i have not really been interested in BBG before more combustion cannons and when the wallet permits i may have to have a go and build one of these things it looks cool.

I fancy just taking a lump of PVC and machining that into a vortex?


Posted: Sun Oct 30, 2005 8:47 am
by boilingleadbath
I (think) I'v heard that softer materials like PVC have erosion problems when used in a vortex design... aluminum/steel arn't too expensive.

Posted: Sun Oct 30, 2005 8:52 am
by Animal81182
really i did not know that is it due to the speed of the bb's traveling through it?

well i shall try and produce one from aluminium or resin something like that maybe

Thanks for the tip


Posted: Sun Oct 30, 2005 1:57 pm
by Cronic
Could someone explain what a vortex is or link me the description please. Thx

Posted: Sat Dec 10, 2005 8:56 pm
by Giggle
go to and click on how to build and then down the bottom of that page there should be a bb gun read through that and u should get all the answers u need

Posted: Sun Dec 11, 2005 9:11 pm
by Giggle
when ur using ur bb gun do u have to have it connected to the air compressor or do u just pump it up and take it around??? i was also wondering if it was possible to make a bbg that u can pump up by a bike pump and dont have to use an air commpressor?

Posted: Sun Dec 11, 2005 10:39 pm
by boilingleadbath
Are you (giggle) incapable of thinking on your own? Or even draw inferences?
Yes, you can build a built-in air tank (as this one did), or you can connect it to the air compressor (most others). However, as written above, the small chamber doesn't provide much firing time.
Now go overdose on tylonol.

Posted: Sun Dec 11, 2005 11:02 pm
by longshot1068
Cronic wrote:How many shots do you get from one fill?
Call it a guess, but im gonna pull a random number out of my arse here; i'll say maybe 500 (as opposed to 6,ooo).

I guess that reading Anything at all ( not just the rules) is optional around here. im gonna write this; the sky is blue
Now, in your next post im sure you will ask what color the sky is.
I wish it were extremely painful to ask dumb questions when the answer is right in front of you. some people would spend their entire lives writhing around in agony on the floor.

Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2005 5:15 pm
by boilingleadbath
Eh, longshot...
"The above configuration only gives enough air for approximately 100 BBs, so I'm in the process of adding a second air chamber that more than doubles the available air, cunnigly disguised as the boxed belt mag used by the M249."
Oh, the irony!

Posted: Tue Dec 13, 2005 2:33 am
by deathtodeer666
what if you used a high presure system like on a paint ball gun with a regulator in the mag. would look sweet.

Posted: Tue Dec 13, 2005 4:14 am
by Giggle
what ever i just couldn't understand some of the way u write sorry if im not as pro at all the knowledge of bb machine guns but how am i gonna learn if i dont ask questions? it dosent kill u to write a few sentences about something dose it?

[Today at 3:16 AM]
i thought that if u have a setup like that, that all the air will come out way to quick and wont give u more that a second?

NOTE FROM PIMPMANN22: When are you going to stop double posting!