Drop Mortar with Safety Device

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Wed Feb 02, 2005 8:11 pm


Ok, here is the diagram.

<img src="http://tinypic.com/1izvir">

SO you load, the tennis ball golfball or whatever in the barrel.(depends on what size you make the mortar) You then walk like 10 feet away then, and pull the string. This pulls the pvc/lexan disc out of the way letting the tennis ball (or anything else) drop and on the way it slides against the on off switch, this turns on the stungun. This will light the fuel you previously sprayed into the T-Fitting of the cannon. Then while the tennis ball is shooting away, it will hit the switch off on its way out.

THe spring is there to lessen the wear and tear on the on off switch. Its almost like a suspension on a car, making it easier on the frame...
Any suggestions, Critisisms, thoughts, ideas?
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Mon Feb 14, 2005 2:35 pm

sounds good i made one just like this but i used a lantern sparker and a mouse trap the triger cost like 3 bucks instead of how ever much you would spend on a stungun and you could stand back like 10 or so feet only thing is it reminded me of a flint lock rifle but i know for a fact that a gun that like works good just the tiger might be alittle tricky
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