my first spud gun a mini wont work

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Mon Dec 19, 2005 5:19 pm

SPARTAN-2415 wrote:Would model engine glow fuel work? i know that contains nitro methane... or am i just being stupid? hmmm, i feel a bigger cannon coming on...
it would theoretically work,but i think that it would be too dangerous personally,stick to hairspray
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Thu Jan 05, 2006 9:35 pm

boilingleadbath wrote:
Pimpmann, don't be a retard. If one's breath was O2 free, it would be counterproductive to use one's breath to blow out the chamber.
However, it's not - even if you hold your breath for a minute, only half of the O2 has been removed... so if we assume that the average spacing between breaths is 6 seconds that means you exhale air with a 19.9% concentration of O2.... meaning that it would work.

thankyou,youre right btw,only about 1 percent of the oxygen that you breathe in gets used.
do you guys know that this topic is about why a pill bottle wont work right? :? i dont really care about the percentage of oxygen gets used in your breath all i know is that spray as little as you can into the combustion chamber try to l8ight it. if it dosent light then lightly blow for about a second or so then try again. keep doing this untill it fires and then each time you want to fire it just blow for as many seconds as you need to!!!!!!!!! its that easy .
you dont need to know how much oxygen we use wen we breath!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Thu Jan 05, 2006 10:13 pm

about the model engine glow fuel, I fly model air planes and drive remote control trucks. after the fuel is burned, it leaves a bunch of black crap thats hard to clean off. and also, how would you get it to spread evenly in the chamber? wouldnt it just make a pool in the bottom?
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Thu Jan 05, 2006 10:19 pm

i also drive remote controll cars that use glow engine fuel. and recommend never to use that!!! just use hairspray!!!!!!! it cost more than hairspray and is way way way more dangerous than hairspray!!!
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