1/4 steel ball shot

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suburban spudgunner
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Fri Sep 04, 2009 8:33 pm

suburban spudgunner wrote:Mini Catapult!!! :D
I was thinking of something similar, only my idea was a plastic spoon.

The spoon part for some reason...IDK :roll:

There could be a million ways to launch the 1/4" the meager 20' though.

One time I was in a crowded cafeteria, and being into projectiles the way I've always been, I shot a green bean from a plastic spoon held stealthily below the table surface,
It went over 100 ft. and coincedently hit the b@ddest @ss dewd in the cafe...

IT was literally hillarious as he looked all around in shock like while trying to maintain his Alpha chimp personna!!! :P 8)
mini catapult.jpg
The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
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Fri Sep 04, 2009 8:40 pm

Is this spud related at all? I.E Does it involve some sort of spudgun? If not, tell me so I can move it. Slingshots etc aren't spudguns btw.
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Sat Sep 05, 2009 3:46 pm

So when do we find out who is correct? What made the noise?
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Brian the brain
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Sat Sep 05, 2009 4:06 pm

Actually, don't do that. My brother had to go to hospital to have a raisin extracted from his nose when he tried something similar
I imagine JSR being rushed off to the hospital for having resin up his nose..

What made the noise?
As Inspector Clouseau said at the disguises-shop:

" Zat is abzolutely ze most hiddeous noise I have ever zeen"

" But inspector, it is her own" :shock:

* looks at her*

" Euh....It suits you"

*woman giggles, as if complimented*
" Oh thank you!!"
Gun Freak wrote:
Oh my friggin god stop being so awesome, that thing is pure kick ass. Most innovative and creative pneumatic that the files have ever come by!

Can't ask for a better compliment!!
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Sat Sep 05, 2009 5:12 pm

Waste of a thread, the OP had their chance.