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Posted: Thu May 11, 2006 3:58 pm
"let the glue dry for 24 hours" concept, TEN MINUTES, went by and it worked,
The 24 hours is still true, just becuase you can fire a combusiton after 10min of drying does not mean that it's safe. Fill it with 125psi after 10min and watch the pieces fly apart.

I started by seeing the dude from Backyard Ballistics on TechTV, found spudtech, worked up made spudfiles worked some more became admin and SpudFiles started getting big and here we are :oops: .

Posted: Sun Sep 03, 2006 8:17 pm
by WOW!!
PCGUY wrote:
"let the glue dry for 24 hours" concept, TEN MINUTES, went by and it worked,
The 24 hours is still true, just becuase you can fire a combusiton after 10min of drying does not mean that it's safe. Fill it with 125psi after 10min and watch the pieces fly apart.

I started by seeing the dude from Backyard Ballistics on TechTV, found spudtech, worked up made spudfiles worked some more became admin and SpudFiles started getting big and here we are :oops: .
I saw that too. A couple of weeks went buy and I got some stuff and made a combustion and it was standing stright up and it was the first time I used it and the end cap BLOW off and set the cannon up ward and I was hooked. Lol good times. Tho the windows in my garage wish I hadent.

Posted: Sun Sep 03, 2006 8:41 pm
by PVC Arsenal 17
I found the Backyard Ballistics book in a toy magazine and finally got it. I was set on building a pnuematic which I finally did but it all started with a pill bottle combustion a few years ago.

Since, my basement and garage are loaded with all sorts of PVC and stuff. I've become a full blown homemade weapon maniac! None have ever been used to hurt anything though, of course. I just enjoy the sense of pride that every new contraption brings.

Posted: Sun Sep 03, 2006 9:48 pm
by dinsdale
High school welding class, Acetylene and oxygen filled into an upside down coffe can on the ground, put flame to it and see how high the can goes

Posted: Sun Sep 03, 2006 11:28 pm
by MrCrowley
i saw some guys shooting spuds into the ocean, the cops came so i thought if the cops dont like it i do :!: :twisted: all my friends thought it was too hard and abandoned me on my first combustion which i sucesuffly(sp?) completed with pride last year:roll: 8)

Posted: Sun Sep 03, 2006 11:44 pm
by Velocity
My story is a long one...

My friend and I were bored one day, and so he took a match and the box, and pressed the head of the match hard against the box. He then flicked it... it went off, and flew through the air for about 7 feet. I thought this was cool, so I did it a couple times. Wanting more distance, I looked up "matches" on google, and found something called match rockets. I studied these for a while, and finally found Backyard Ballistics. I bought the book, and tried many times to make match rockets (never worked... argh). I continued looking online for books similar to Backyard Ballistics (NEEDED TO BUILD A WORKING MATCH ROCKET!!!), and I found out about vaccuum bazookas. Found a website, and build one (first time I ever bought PVC). It was cool. I was looking through Backyard Ballistics some time later, and I came to a section entitled "Pneuton's Petard" (it was basically a ball valve pneumatic). I decided to build it, just because I had finally gained a bit of experience with PVC pipe. I didn't build the combustion one due to noise. So I build it, and it was awesome, and from there on, I was hooked on pneumatics, but never on combustions...

Posted: Mon Sep 04, 2006 11:06 am
by Brian the brain
Back in 1984 my brother and I made a pingpong ball cannon out of a bikepump and some bike tube...
In 1988 I made my first crossbow, followed by a samurai sword..
Then I started building blowguns ( electric pvc- pipe) "conceiled"in real life gun replica's ( ak47 and m16 mostly.
Later I built a bat that could shoot an arrow, a rubber band gun( 12 rubber bands propelling an arrow) some bows etc.
Then I grew up...
Then I got bored one day and built a marble gun, that used pulleys and 40 strong rubber bands to shoot a marble half way into a solid door.
Then I tried some solid proppelant-designs...none worked.
Al this time I wanted to make my own airgun.I read about .45 airguns being legal in my country...saw the price..and decided I could better build my own...

I think I've been doing it forever...