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Mon Apr 17, 2006 4:57 am

I just got one of my post picked apart for some spelling mistakes. So what if i misspell a word or two, if it's a problem shouldn't it be up to the site higher ups to crack down on bad post? Other wise i'm sure everbody else can figure it out, even if some of us here did just go to public school, if not most of us.
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Mon Apr 17, 2006 6:29 am

To tell you the truth, we run around making home made weapons and 80% of us just want to see hoiw much damage they do. We are a low grade generation of maniacs and psychopaths, who cares about spelling? As long as we continue to slow poo out the water, it dont matter none, cause we dont need no edumucations!
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Mon Apr 17, 2006 9:55 am

low grade?! speek for yourself!
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Mon Apr 17, 2006 11:12 am

I resent that, I love this site because it's the only place that I can show my ideas. Damage pics are all the same, a hole in a piece of wood. Think of something more interesting to shoot at and I'll care about your damage pics. Without an education you'll end up with a divorced wife, crappy job, living with a smoking girlfriend, and who sees their kids 5 times a year if they're lucky. I know this because I just described my father. Who dropped out of high school his junior year.
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Tue Apr 18, 2006 11:18 am

I'm starting to notice an increasing gap between the members that just think big, powerful guns are cool (whom, personally, I would point to the nearest recruitment office) and the members that are more interested in research and development than damage pictures.
Spelling has been discussed before and I, for one, haven't seen significant results. Jrrdw has his point: one or two isolated misspellings, although are aggravating, can be overlooked. However, there are a number of posts that make no sense at all. I regard such posts as sheer disrespect.
Personally, if I lived in the USA, UK, Australia etc., I'd be ashamed of myself if I couldn't spell or use proper grammar in my native language. The problem becomes more disgraceful when you're one click away from dictionary.com, Wikipedia's or Google's dictionaries.
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Tue Apr 18, 2006 11:43 am

Resent it all you please, but face the facts my friend: Time are tougher now than ever. Gas keeps goin up, the cost of living gets a steady increase each year, minomum wage jobs are all you can get until your 20 odd years old with a proof of college education. Half of us on this will end up working crappy jobs the rest of our lives with fathers we never knew or relatives that care little for us.

We do art, through guns. I was'nt trying to make a comment i;d be resented for when I posted. Don;t take me wrong.

As for the gap between "ur gun r0xx0rz" and "Well, what if you did this or that?"
I agree. We know you're going to like the gun in some way or another, that's why we put pictures of them up. We enjoy a compliment but not without constructive critisism.

Personally, how one spells and types on the net may not be how they talk or act in person. So don't take peoples 1337 Uber typingz to the bank. And yes, like stated previously, simple typos and gramattical errors should'nt be pointed out as long as ytou know what they are saying. Hell, im 18 years old, born in America don't have the best grammatical skills. Knowing the language is easier than writing it out. That's just my two cents.
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Tue Apr 18, 2006 12:17 pm

This should not become a big problem,we all have reasons for doing the things we do ,be it loving big guns or studying the factors that make them work.If you make bread there will be somebody to eat it ,if you build a big gun there will be somebody to marval it,most of us on this website are similar in some perspective .We all have a bit of leonardo de vinci in us.

I for one am a researcher for my intrests and spend most of my time in my tool room perfecting my creations ,not caring what is thought of me ,no body cares if we misspell as long as we get our points across.I say the world can forget about me untill I rule it.

that is a small thought from my mind

(i need to reach 300 spudbux so help would be nice)
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