Whatever works for youMrCrowley wrote:I think I'd rather give up sex than be single for my entire life... and I hear that's just what happens when you get married
Some arguments against marriage as a means of securing lifelong companionship in Western society from here, I know you weren't specifically refering to marriage but these points are worth mulling over:
“I won’t die alone”
Wrong. The simple fact is that one spouse WILL die alone. Visit the hospital and go to the terminally ill or cardiac departments. Few people have the time to sit with an ill relative all day and all night. Yes, you may get visitors, but they aren’t having the same thoughts as you are. You’re contemplating your mortality, while they’re wondering what food the hospital cafeteria offers. In the end, even with a loving and supportive family, most of us will leave this world alone, unless you both die simultaneously in an accident of some kind. Your spouse may die fifteen years before you, or you may be in the hospital for your last year. Ultimately, we all die alone. Married or not.
That's me convinced.“I won’t grow old alone”
Not necessarily. A marriage can self-destruct at any time. Your partner may initiate divorce at age 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, 60, 65 or 70. Many married people end up in the same position (alone) as if they had never married at all. Now they enter their twilight years broke, as a result of being stripped of half or more of their life’s assets, losing half their retirement and pension funds, and being assessed alimony payments. Experiencing financial devastation from one divorce often may preclude a man from ever marrying again. This is a common observation of many middle-aged Western Women. Q: “Where are all the men?”. A: “He is broke from the divorce settlement, alimony and child support payments.” Thus these women don’t find him marriable, and he grows old alone and poor.
Men are led to believe that not marrying implies only one destiny; that of a solitary monk in a cave, a shunned loner. However, life is not so black and white. Not marrying does not mean you cannot continue to date or have meaningful relationships throughout your life. There are plenty of single people in all age brackets. A bad marriage can be the loneliest of institutions, because most of your emotional outlet and companionship is concentrated into one person who gives back nothing in emotion, affection or support. Young men in their 20′s and 30′s should be more aware of the alternatives that exist in life. They should be aware that marriage is a choice, and is not the only path life has to offer. An informed decision is less likely to be one that is later regretted.
LOL! I'm not arguing against women, not saying they should be banned or something... but just because not many of them articulate these thoughts in a blog, it does represent "female logic" as far as I'm concerned.Linking to RadFem (or whatever they want to be called) blogs as an argument against women is like linking to StormFront in an argument against Republicans.
Again, it's unfair to generalize, nutters come with genitalia of all shapes and forms, but in my experience such stereotyping has never let me down.There are some nutty women out there, I'll do what I can to avoid them but if I fail I can only hope I come out on the other side relatively unscathed. Similarly, there are some nutty men out there and I do what I can to avoid them and can only hope that any encounters with them leave me with my my health in tact.
While you might not be "loaded", not being in a relationship does leave you with a surprising amount of disposable income - because you only buy the things you actually need. I like this quote on the topic:I guess the situation changes depending on how much money you have too. If you're loaded, it'd be easier to go without a partner and enjoy the single life. If you're stuck working 9-5 for 46 weeks a year, you might want something more than just a cat to come home to.
Besides, coming home from a dreary job to have your partner tell you about her day and bitching about her female colleagues when you'd rather shag and nod off isn't exactly better than a cat you know.Women are people-oriented and men are object-oriented. That's why we see so many women buying crap in the malls and so many boys playing team sports. Have you ever been in a bachelor apartment? There's a stereo, one sheet, and a plastic spoon/fork from Kentucky Fried Chicken. Wait 'til the poor sucker gets married.
If you can't identify with that situation, you clearly haven't had a relationship with someone for more than 6 months
I think "Roy" is an excellent role modelIt seems that when you start settling down and getting bored with life you start to turn to companionship as an essential part of your sanity. This is a reality for many people before they even hit 30. I imagine many of us here have no problems with having a hobby to keep us interested and sane but it's probably a different story once you retire.